Tag Archives: muffin top

Muffin Tops

Seein’s how it’s 100 degrees in the shade in these here parts of Virginia, I wanted to make something light and fluffy for dinner, so along with a light Asian salad, I  found these Mini Zucchini Frittatas in a great book my sister from California bought me one year.  Isabel Cruz’s book, Isabel’s Cantina is one of my favorites, as she blends healthy Latin food with Asian accents…full of flavor and spice, but low on calories and fat that go straight to my Goodyear tire!

So speaking of muffin tops…try this mini variation of the Spanish frittata:

Heat olive oil in a saute pan.  Add one chopped zucchini, one chopped onion, small chopped tomato and jalapeno to taste (I replaced the jalapeno with corn, since The Mister but doesn’t care for hot). Cook until zucchini is translucent.  Let cool.

Whisk about 8 eggs w/salt & pepper in a bowl.  Coat muffin tins with cooking spray (cuz you know egg stick-em = super glue). Fill tins halfway with egg mixture, plop in veggies, and top with remaining egg. I also sprinkled a bit of grated cheese on top.

Bake 15 minutes.  Frittatas will puff up. Remove from oven and let them fall a bit. Gently tap out of tins onto a plate. Can be served warm or cold and stored for 2 days.

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